Please see our website for full submissions guidelines:

Required: Query Letter. In the submissions form, you will be asked for a brief, introductory query letter. This should include a short description of the book, as well as any pertinent  information about the author, including both legal name and pen name and any writing credits. The query letter is your sales pitch and we use the information included in it.

Required: Manuscript. The full manuscript saved as a DOCX, DOC or RTF file and attached, with file name TITLE_MANUSCRIPT where you substitute your book’s title in place of TITLE. (example: WarAndPeace_Manuscript)

Required: Synopsis 2-5 page synopsis of book that details character development, plot, and conflict/story resolution. Attach as a DOCX, DOC or RTF file with file name TITLE_SYNOPSIS where you substitute your book’s title in place of TITLE. (Example: WarAndPeace_Synopsis).

Combined size of both attachments must be under 4 MB.

Please allow 12 weeks for an editorial response to your submission. If you do not a receive a response after 12 weeks, please follow-up via Submittable.

Please choose the best main category for your submission, even if your manuscript is a mash-up of genres.

You're a returning Harlequin author and you have a new manuscript. We want to make sure we see your manuscript right away, so we've set up this category just for you. 

Not to worry, you're not getting lost in some slush pile by submitting via Submittable. This system gives you peace of mind that it's been received (because sometimes our spam filter is a little too aggressive) and also lets us be really organized behind-the-scenes because this system makes it easy to filter and sort. We'll spot your submission right away if you submit using this category!

If you are not a returning Harlequin author, please do not use this category for submission. Please go to our main page and select the correct genre-specific or submissions call category. 

If you're an agent and looking to submit a work on behalf of your client, please keep in mind that you're welcome to submit to us directly via email. However, for your convenience we also offer this area for submission of your clients' work.

On the first page, the system will ask for a name and address before you log in—this should appear as your agency/agent name and address, not the clients'. There will be an opportunity to provide further client details on the actual submission page.

We are seeking submissions in all subgenres of historical romance, with all levels of sensuality. We welcome manuscripts featuring couples (or multiples) from all walks of life and sexual orientation, including same-sex romances. Romances should focus on the development of the relationship, as well as external and internal conflict; the heat level should be appropriate to the book and enhance the story, and the primary relationship in the book should offer a happily ever after (HEA) or happily for now (HFN).Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

Romantic suspense submissions book must have a romantic focus, with a happily ever after, and the suspense must play a major role in the external conflict of the book.

In your query letter, please let us know if this is a planned series. We also welcome series in this category that feature the same protagonists throughout the series, in the same vein as Marie Force's Fatal series, but series can also feature different couples in each book. Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

M/F, M/M, F/F, non-binary pairings, trans pairings and polyamorous erotic romances are welcome, as are stories that push characters’ personal boundaries or delve into the taboo. The primary relationship in the book should offer a happily ever after (HEA) or happily for now (HFN). Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

We are seeking submissions in all subgenres of contemporary romance, with all levels of sensuality. We welcome manuscripts featuring couples (or multiples) from all walks of life and sexual orientation, including same-sex romances. Romances should focus on the development of the relationship, as well as external and internal conflict; the heat level should be appropriate to the book and enhance the story, and the primary relationship in the book should offer a happily ever after (HEA) or happily for now (HFN). Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

Submissions of contemporary erotic romance should be submitted via the erotic romance category

Carina Adores is a trope-driven LGBTQ+ romance line. We’re looking for LGBTQ+ romances with a lot of emotion and a focus on the characters falling in love on page. Any LGBTQ+ pairing or grouping is welcome.

Submission Requirements:

In order to be considered for Carina Adores, submissions must:

  • Be an LGBTQ+ romance
  • Have a word count of 75,000 words and higher
  • Be complete—we are not accepting partials for Carina Adores at this time
  • End in an HEA or HFN

Submission guidelines:

We welcome submissions of full manuscripts or proposals.

Proposals should include:

  • A 5-page or approximately 1,600-word synopsis.
  • A completed manuscript—we are not accepting partials for Carina Adores at      this time.
  • 3–5 paragraph description of book. If there is series potential, please      include a series outline.

We are seeking submissions in all subgenres of paranormal romance with all levels of sensuality. Romances should focus on the development of the relationship, as well as external and internal conflict; the heat level should be appropriate to the book and enhance the story, and the primary relationship in the book should offer a happily ever after (HEA) or happily for now (HFN). Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

We are seeking science fiction and fantasy romance submissions, with all levels of sensuality. Carina Press has closed to submissions of science fiction and fantasy that do not include romance as central to the story/plot. However, we continue to be interested in acquiring romance manuscripts in science fiction/fantasy and associated SFF romance subgenres, especially futuristic and urban fantasy. Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

If your manuscript doesn’t seem to fit the other romance categories listed, you’re welcome to submit here. Please note that we do not publish inspirational romance; please see the Harlequin Love Inspired guidelines if you’re writing faith-based romance.

Romances should focus on the development of the relationship, as well as external and internal conflict; the heat level should be appropriate to the book and enhance the story; and the primary relationship should offer a happily ever after (HEA) or happily for now (HFN). Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

Subgenres of romance we are seeking include, but are not limited to paranormal, romantic suspense, romantic comedy, contemporary, and historical. Please see specific guidelines for erotic romance and science fiction/fantasy romance in their respective categories.

We are open to cozy and/or humorous mysteries, amateur sleuth stories, procedurals, historical mysteries and contemporary PIs with or without romantic elements. Minimum word count for this category is 70,000 and up. For mysteries with romantic elements, we’re looking for stories that end in an HEA or HFN. Trilogies and duologies wherein the first and/or second book end in cliffhangers are permitted as long as the primary romantic arc ultimately ends in an HEA or HFN.

Previously Published Material

Carina Press will consider books that have been previously released or self-published, though the following applies:

  • The author must either currently retain the rights or have a letter of reversion from the original publisher.
  • In  addition to the previously published work, we would expect to see a new, never-before-published work submitted.  If the previously published book is part of a series, we would expect to see the next (unpublished) book in the series. If the previously published book is      a standalone, we would expect to see a separate (unpublished) submission. We are looking for authors who want to work with Carina Press to grow their career with new, unpublished titles.

To submit previously published material please submit a query letter with:

  • book description
  • overview of author’s career
  • explanation of where the title was previously published.
  • If the book is still for sale, please tell us where it’s for sale. Including any information on sales, number of reviews, average review rating, etc is also helpful.

All of the above information is required in the query letter. Without any of this information, we will decline to read further.

If we are interested in reading your manuscript, we will ask to see the manuscript, a synopsis, series outline and overview of new material you are proposing in addition to the previously published work. If you do not have new material in mind, please do not proceed with submission at this time.

We define previously published as work that has been made available for sale to consumers, either on the author’s website or on an etailer. Works that have been made available for free reading on sites such as Wattpad are not considered previously published.  If your book was contracted by a publisher but was never made available for sale, we do not consider that previously published.

*Please do not put previously published material under any other Submittable category as it will be declined.*

Carina Press